Ecological Awards Project ,,Sustainable Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Georgia” Presentation
11 of January 2010, held Georgian Tourism Association (GTA) presentation of project ,,Sustainable Tourism Development in Protected Areas of Georgia”.
The program was supported by BP on behalf of its Oil and Gas co-partners and Eurasia Partnership Foundation. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Agency of Protected areas (APA).
Georgian Tourism Association has accomplished mentioned project, realized some activities:
1.Workshops: local products for sustainable tourism in Mtirala national park, Algeti national park, Vashlovani national park.
2.Video clips: of Kintrishi and Mtirala national parks, Vashlovani national park, Lagodekhi national park. )
3.School camps: in Algeti national park, Vashlovani national park, Lagodekhi national park.
4.Constructions in Algeti national park (of Picnic Area, Toilet facility, garbage container, marking of path with signs, road signs, explanatory boards, informational desk)
5.Printing materials: maps, brochures, photo- documentation, guesthouse booking system (webpage with details and photos).
On the presentation was invited government and private sector, donor organizations.
The Head of the Agency of Protected Areas Mr. Giorgi Shonvadze, Deputy Chairman of the Department Tourism and Resorts of Georgia Mr .Beka Jakeli and Economic Development Program Manager of Eurasia Foundation Viktor Baramia made the speech about project.

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