Algeti National Park
GTA presents Picknickarea in Algeti National Park
In the framework of Eco-Award Project 2009 GTA constructed a picknick area in Algeti National Park in cooperation with the Agency of Protected Areas (APA).
Opening presentation was held on September, 25th.
The area is situated in a network of marked trails and educational paths in a beautiful side valley of Algeti river near the town of Manglisi (60 min from Tbilisi). The place is perfect for the whole family: It offers nature experiences from small walks with children to day-trips or multi-day tours on horseback. Accomodation can be booked in small family guesthouses. An information brochure with a detailed topographical map (see below) is available at GTA and Geoland office.
Direct booking:
Malkhaz Kavtaradze, Director of Algeti National Park (mob 877101801) (geo./russ.)