Monday, September 21, 2020

The Georgian Tourism Association has launched the three-year project ,,Support to the Development Dual TVET in the Tourism Sector”.

We are glad to share with you another of our successes.
The Georgian Tourism Association has launched the three-year project ,,Support to the Development Dual TVET in the Tourism Sector”.
The project is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).Within the framework of the project, the Association will implement the process of introducing and monitoring dual vocational education in the tourism sector.
We would like to thank to the donor organization, the Ministry of Education, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, vocational colleges, employers, members of association and non-member organizations for their contribution to promoting the introduction of dual education.
Together we will be able to overcome all challenges and will create a high quality service in tourism.

Monday, September 7, 2020

31 of August, 2020, in College "New Wave" was held a mid-term examination in the dual vocational education program "Restaurant Services". Representatives of the Georgian Tourism Association attended the exam.