Saturday, November 23, 2019

21 of November, 2019 held the GTA Hotels Committees meeting. On the meeting was discussion about the main issues of the hotel industry Invited guest Maris Lastivski made the presentation about the new electronic Booking System..

Study Tour to Germany in November 18-23, 2019. The main purpose of the tour is to bring together Georgian and German private sector stakeholders to exchange on the ROLES AND INVOLVEMENT IN VET PROCESSES.

GTA - part of the Private Sector Development and Technical Vocational Education and Training South Caucasus (PSD TVET SC) programme, supported by GIZ.The objective of the project is to support the implementation of the dual education in hospitality sector in Georgia.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

on October, 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia was signed the Memorandum of understanding between Georgian Tourism Association and Association of Travel Agencies of Azerbaijan. The main purpose of the Memorandum is to develop and strengthen cooperation between the two Associations in the field of tourism.